

Why would you ever want to tell the interpreter to explicitly do nothing? Python has the syntactical requirement that code blocks (after if, except, def, class etc.) cannot be empty.

But sometimes an empty code block is useful in itself. An empty class block can definine a new, different class, such as exception that can be caught. An empty except block can be the simplest way to express “ask for forgiveness later” if there was nothing to ask for forgiveness for. If an iterator does all the heavy lifting, an empty for loop to just run the iterator can be useful.

Therefore, if nothing is supposed to happen in a code block, a pass is needed for such a block to not produce an IndentationError. Alternatively, any statement (including just a term to be evaluated, like the Ellipsis literal ... or a string, most often a docstring) can be used, but the pass makes clear that indeed nothing is supposed to happen, and does not need to be actually evaluated and (at least temporarily) stored in memory. Here is a small annotated collection of the most frequent uses of pass that crossed my way – together with some comments on good and bad pratice.

    self.version = "Expat %d.%d.%d" % expat.version_info
except AttributeError:
    pass # unknown

Note: Ignoring all types of raises, as in the following example from pandas, is generally considered bad practice, because it also catches exceptions that should probably be passed on to the caller, e.g. KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit (or even HardwareIsOnFireError – How do you know you aren’t running on a custom box with specific errors defined, which some calling application would want to know about?).


Instead using at least `except Error:` or in this case preferably `except OSError:` is considered much better practice. A quick analysis of all python modules I have installed gave me that more than 10% of all `except ...: pass` statements catch all exceptions, so it's still a frequent pattern in python programming.
class CompileError(Exception):

Similarly, classes intended as abstract base class often have an explicit empty __init__ or other methods that subclasses are supposed to derive. (e.g. pebl)

class _BaseSubmittingController(_BaseController):
    def submit(self, tasks): pass
    def retrieve(self, deferred_results): pass
for x, error in MDNewton(mp, f, (1,-2), verbose=0,
                         norm=lambda x: norm(x, inf)):
class ParsingError(Exception): 
    """Error encountered while parsing an ill-formed datafile."""
def update_agent(agent):

where others might have

def update_agent(agent):
