Switch statements compare the value of an expression against 1 or more values and executes different sections of code based on that comparison.

var value = 1;
switch (value) {
  case 1:
    console.log('I will always run');
  case 2:
    console.log('I will never run');

The break statement “breaks” out of the switch statement and ensures no more code within the switch statement is executed. This is how sections are defined and allows the user to make “fall through” cases.

Warning: lack of a break or return statement for each case means the program will continue to evaluate the next case, even if the case criteria is unmet!

switch (value) {
  case 1:
    console.log('I will only run if value === 1');
    // Here, the code "falls through" and will run the code under case 2
  case 2:
    console.log('I will run if value === 1 or value === 2');
  case 3:
    console.log('I will only run if value === 3');

The last case is the default case. This one will run if no other matches were made.

var animal = 'Lion';
switch (animal) {
  case 'Dog':
    console.log('I will not run since animal !== "Dog"');
  case 'Cat':
    console.log('I will not run since animal !== "Cat"');
    console.log('I will run since animal does not match any other case');

It should be noted that a case expression can be any kind of expression. This means you can use comparisons, function calls, etc. as case values.

function john() {
  return 'John';

function jacob() {
  return 'Jacob';

switch (name) {
  case john(): // Compare name with the return value of john() (name == "John")
    console.log('I will run if name === "John"');
  case 'Ja' + 'ne': // Concatenate the strings together then compare (name == "Jane")
    console.log('I will run if name === "Jane"');
  case john() + ' ' + jacob() + ' Jingleheimer Schmidt':
    console.log('His name is equal to name too!');

Multiple Inclusive Criteria for Cases

Since cases “fall through” without a break or return statement, you can use this to create multiple inclusive criteria:

var x = "c"
switch (x) {
   case "a":
   case "b":
   case "c":
      console.log("Either a, b, or c was selected.");
   case "d":
      console.log("Only d was selected.");
      console.log("No case was matched.");
      break;  // precautionary break if case order changes