SwiftyJSON is a Swift framework built to remove the need for optional chaining in normal JSON serialization.

You can download it here: https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON

Without SwiftyJSON, your code would look like this to find the name of the first book in a JSON object:

if let jsonObject = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .AllowFragments) as? [[String: AnyObject]],
let bookName = (jsonObject[0]["book"] as? [String: AnyObject])?["name"] as? String {
    //We can now use the book name

In SwiftyJSON, this is hugely simplified:

let json = JSON(data: data)
if let bookName = json[0]["book"]["name"].string {
    //We can now use the book name

It removes the need to check every field, as it will return nil if any of them are invalid.

To use SwiftyJSON, download the correct version from the Git repository - there is a branch for Swift 3. Simply drag the “SwiftyJSON.swift” into your project and import into your class:

import SwiftyJSON

You can create your JSON object using the following two initializers:

let jsonObject = JSON(data: dataObject)


let jsonObject = JSON(jsonObject) //This could be a string in a JSON format for example

To access your data, use subscripts:

let firstObjectInAnArray = jsonObject[0]
let nameOfFirstObject = jsonObject[0]["name"]

You can then parse your value to a certain data type, which will return an optional value:

let nameOfFirstObject = jsonObject[0]["name"].string //This will return the name as a string

let nameOfFirstObject = jsonObject[0]["name"].double //This will return null

You can also compile your paths into a swift Array:

let convolutedPath = jsonObject[0]["name"][2]["lastName"]["firstLetter"].string

Is the same as: