When creating a nested class, you face a choice of having that nested class static:

public class OuterClass1 {

    private static class StaticNestedClass {



Or non-static:

public class OuterClass2 {

    private class NestedClass {



At its core, static nested classes do not have a surrounding instance of the outer class, whereas non-static nested classes do. This affects both where/when one is allowed to instantiate a nested class, and what instances of those nested classes are allowed to access. Adding to the above example:

public class OuterClass1 {

    private int aField;
    public void aMethod(){}

    private static class StaticNestedClass {
        private int innerField;

        private StaticNestedClass() {
             innerField = aField; //Illegal, can't access aField from static context 
             aMethod();           //Illegal, can't call aMethod from static context 

        private StaticNestedClass(OuterClass1 instance) {
             innerField = instance.aField; //Legal


    public static void aStaticMethod() {
        StaticNestedClass s = new StaticNestedClass(); //Legal, able to construct in static context
        //Do stuff involving s...


public class OuterClass2 {

    private int aField;

    public void aMethod() {}

    private class NestedClass {
        private int innerField;

        private NestedClass() {
             innerField = aField; //Legal   
             aMethod(); //Legal

    public void aNonStaticMethod() {
        NestedClass s = new NestedClass(); //Legal

    public static void aStaticMethod() {
        NestedClass s = new NestedClass(); //Illegal. Can't construct without surrounding OuterClass2 instance.
                                         //As this is a static context, there is no surrounding OuterClass2 instance

Thus, your decision of static vs non-static mainly depends on whether or not you need to be able to directly access fields and methods of the outer class, though it also has consequences for when and where you can construct the nested class.

As a rule of thumb, make your nested classes static unless you need to access fields and methods of the outer class. Similar to making your fields private unless you need them public, this decreases the visibility available to the nested class (by not allowing access to an outer instance), reducing the likelihood of error.