Often you will want to perform asynchronous operations in parallel. There is direct syntax that supports this in the async/await proposal, but since await will wait for a promise, you can wrap multiple promises together in Promise.all to wait for them:

// Not in parallel

async function getFriendPosts(user) {
    friendIds = await db.get("friends", {user}, {id: 1});
    friendPosts = [];
    for (let id in friendIds) {
        friendPosts = friendPosts.concat( await db.get("posts", {user: id}) );
    // etc.

This will do each query to get each friend’s posts serially, but they can be done simultaneously:

// In parallel

async function getFriendPosts(user) {
    friendIds = await.db.get("friends", {user}, {id: 1});
    friendPosts = await Promise.all( friendIds.map(id => 
      db.get("posts", {user: id})
    // etc.

This will loop over the list of IDs to create an array of promises. await will wait for all promises to be complete. Promise.all combines them into a single promise, but they are done in parallel.