We define two sets a and b

>>> a = {1, 2, 2, 3, 4}
>>> b = {3, 3, 4, 4, 5}

NOTE: {1} creates a set of one element, but {} creates an empty dict. The correct way to create an empty set is set().


a.intersection(b) returns a new set with elements present in both a and b

>>> a.intersection(b)
{3, 4}


a.union(b) returns a new set with elements present in either a and b

>>> a.union(b)
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}


a.difference(b) returns a new set with elements present in a but not in b

>>> a.difference(b)
{1, 2}
>>> b.difference(a)

Symmetric Difference

a.symmetric_difference(b) returns a new set with elements present in either a or b but not in both

>>> a.symmetric_difference(b)
{1, 2, 5}
>>> b.symmetric_difference(a)
{1, 2, 5}

NOTE: a.symmetric_difference(b) == b.symmetric_difference(a)

Subset and superset

c.issubset(a) tests whether each element of c is in a.

a.issuperset(c) tests whether each element of c is in a.

>>> c = {1, 2}
>>> c.issubset(a)
>>> a.issuperset(c)