FromName = "Full Name"; $mail->addReplyTo("[email protected]", "Reply Address"); $mail->Subject = "Subject Text"; $mail->Body = "This is a sample basic text email with an attachment using PHPMailer."; // Add Static Attachment $attachment = '/path/to/your/file.pdf'; $mail->AddAttachment($attachment , 'RenamedFile.pdf'); // Add Second Attachment, run-time created. ie: CSV to be open with Excel $csvHeader = "header1,header2,header3"; $csvData = "row1col1,row1col2,row1col3\nrow2col1,row2col2,row2col3"; $mail->AddStringAttachment($csvHeader ."\n" . $csvData, 'your-csv-file.csv', 'base64', 'application/'); if($mail->send()) { // Success! Redirect to a thank you page. Use the // POST/REDIRECT/GET pattern to prevent form resubmissions // when a user refreshes the page. header('Location:', true, 303); exit; } else { echo "Error: "> FromName = "Full Name"; $mail->addReplyTo("[email protected]", "Reply Address"); $mail->Subject = "Subject Text"; $mail->Body = "This is a sample basic text email with an attachment using PHPMailer."; // Add Static Attachment $attachment = '/path/to/your/file.pdf'; $mail->AddAttachment($attachment , 'RenamedFile.pdf'); // Add Second Attachment, run-time created. ie: CSV to be open with Excel $csvHeader = "header1,header2,header3"; $csvData = "row1col1,row1col2,row1col3\nrow2col1,row2col2,row2col3"; $mail->AddStringAttachment($csvHeader ."\n" . $csvData, 'your-csv-file.csv', 'base64', 'application/'); if($mail->send()) { // Success! Redirect to a thank you page. Use the // POST/REDIRECT/GET pattern to prevent form resubmissions // when a user refreshes the page. header('Location:', true, 303); exit; } else { echo "Error: "> FromName = "Full Name"; $mail->addReplyTo("[email protected]", "Reply Address"); $mail->Subject = "Subject Text"; $mail->Body = "This is a sample basic text email with an attachment using PHPMailer."; // Add Static Attachment $attachment = '/path/to/your/file.pdf'; $mail->AddAttachment($attachment , 'RenamedFile.pdf'); // Add Second Attachment, run-time created. ie: CSV to be open with Excel $csvHeader = "header1,header2,header3"; $csvData = "row1col1,row1col2,row1col3\nrow2col1,row2col2,row2col3"; $mail->AddStringAttachment($csvHeader ."\n" . $csvData, 'your-csv-file.csv', 'base64', 'application/'); if($mail->send()) { // Success! Redirect to a thank you page. Use the // POST/REDIRECT/GET pattern to prevent form resubmissions // when a user refreshes the page. header('Location:', true, 303); exit; } else { echo "Error: ">

$mail = new PHPMailer();

$mail->From     = "[email protected]";
$mail->FromName = "Full Name";
$mail->addReplyTo("[email protected]", "Reply Address");
$mail->Subject  = "Subject Text";
$mail->Body     = "This is a sample basic text email with an attachment using PHPMailer.";

// Add Static Attachment
$attachment = '/path/to/your/file.pdf';
$mail->AddAttachment($attachment , 'RenamedFile.pdf');

// Add Second Attachment, run-time created. ie: CSV to be open with Excel
$csvHeader = "header1,header2,header3";
$csvData = "row1col1,row1col2,row1col3\\nrow2col1,row2col2,row2col3";

$mail->AddStringAttachment($csvHeader ."\\n" . $csvData, 'your-csv-file.csv', 'base64', 'application/');

if($mail->send()) {
    // Success! Redirect to a thank you page. Use the
    // POST/REDIRECT/GET pattern to prevent form resubmissions
    // when a user refreshes the page.
    header('Location: <>', true, 303);
else {
    echo "Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;