Functions can return a value that you can use directly:

def give_me_five():
    return 5

print(give_me_five())  # Print the returned value
# Out: 5

or save the value for later use:

num = give_me_five()
print(num)             # Print the saved returned value
# Out: 5

or use the value for any operations:

print(give_me_five() + 10)
# Out: 15

If return is encountered in the function the function will be exited immediately and subsequent operations will not be evaluated:

def give_me_another_five():
    return 5
    print('This statement will not be printed. Ever.')

# Out: 5

You can also return multiple values (in the form of a tuple):

def give_me_two_fives():
    return 5, 5  # Returns two 5

first, second = give_me_two_fives()
# Out: 5
# Out: 5

A function with no return statement implicitly returns None. Similarly a function with a return statement, but no return value or variable returns None.