A common task for regex is to replace text that matches a pattern with a new value.

#Sample text
$text = @"
This is (a) sample
text, this is
a (sample text)

#Sample pattern: Text wrapped in ()
$pattern = '\\(.*?\\)'

#Replace matches with:
$newvalue = 'test'

Using -Replace operator

The -replace operator in PowerShell can be used to replace text matching a pattern with a new value using the syntax 'input' -replace 'pattern', 'newvalue'.

> $text -replace $pattern, $newvalue
This is test sample
text, this is
a test

Using [RegEx]::Replace() method

Replacing matches can also be done using the Replace() method in the [RegEx] .NET class.

[regex]::Replace($text, $pattern, 'test')
This is test sample
text, this is
a test