(l) where l.name='%s' and n.timestamp='%s' RETURN n.news_id limit 10 """ query = query % (location,timestamp) news_ids = [] for res in graph.cypher.execute(query): news_ids.append(str(res[0])) return news_ids"> (l) where l.name='%s' and n.timestamp='%s' RETURN n.news_id limit 10 """ query = query % (location,timestamp) news_ids = [] for res in graph.cypher.execute(query): news_ids.append(str(res[0])) return news_ids"> (l) where l.name='%s' and n.timestamp='%s' RETURN n.news_id limit 10 """ query = query % (location,timestamp) news_ids = [] for res in graph.cypher.execute(query): news_ids.append(str(res[0])) return news_ids">
def search_news_by_entity(location,timestamp):
    query = """
    MATCH (n)-[]->(l) 
    where l.name='%s' and n.timestamp='%s'
    RETURN n.news_id limit 10

    query = query % (location,timestamp)

    news_ids = []
    for res in graph.cypher.execute(query):

    return news_ids

You can use this query to find all news articles (n) connected to a location (l) by a relationship.