
When using method swizzling in Swift there are two requirements that your classes/methods must comply with:

For a complete explanation of why this is required, check out Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C:

Requiring Dynamic Dispatch

While the @objc attribute exposes your Swift API to the Objective-C > runtime, it does not guarantee dynamic dispatch of a property, method, > subscript, or initializer. The Swift compiler may still devirtualize or inline member access to optimize the performance of your code, bypassing the Objective-C runtime. When you mark a member declaration > with the dynamic modifier, access to that member is always dynamically > dispatched. Because declarations marked with the dynamic modifier are > dispatched using the Objective-C runtime, they’re implicitly marked > with the @objc attribute.

Requiring dynamic dispatch is rarely necessary. However, you must use the dynamic modifier when you know that the implementation of an API is replaced at runtime. For example, you can use the > method_exchangeImplementations function in the Objective-C runtime to > swap out the implementation of a method while an app is running. If > the Swift compiler inlined the implementation of the method or > devirtualized access to it, the new implementation would not be used.


Objective-C Runtime Reference

Method Swizzling on NSHipster