The [virtualenvwrapper](<>) utility simplifies working with virtual environments and is especially useful if you are dealing with many virtual environments/projects.

Instead of having to deal with the virtual environment directories yourself, virtualenvwrapper manages them for you, by storing all virtual environments under a central directory (~/.virtualenvs by default).


Install virtualenvwrapper with your system’s package manager.


apt-get install virtualenvwrapper


yum install python-virtualenvrwapper

Arch Linux:

pacman -S python-virtualenvwrapper

Or install it from PyPI using pip:

pip install virtualenvwrapper

Under Windows you can use either [virtualenvwrapper-win](<>) or [virtualenvwrapper-powershell](<>) instead.


Virtual environments are created with mkvirtualenv. All arguments of the original virtualenv command are accepted as well.

mkvirtualenv my-project

or e.g.

mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages my-project

The new virtual environment is automatically activated. In new shells you can enable the virtual environment with workon

workon my-project