In PHP, a fatal error is a kind of error that cannot be caught, that is, after experiencing a fatal error a program does not resume. However, to log this error or somehow handle the crash you can use register_shutdown_function to register shutdown handler.

function fatalErrorHandler() {// Let's get last error that was fatal.$error = error_get_last();// This is error-only handler for example purposes; no error means that// there were no error and shutdown was proper. Also ensure it will handle// only fatal errors.if (null === $error || E_ERROR != $error['type']) {return;}// Log last error to a log file.// let's naively assume that logs are in the folder inside the app folder.$logFile = fopen("./app/logs/error.log", "a+");// Get useful info out of error.$type    = $error["type"];$file    = $error["file"];$line    = $error["line"];$message = $error["message"]fprintf($logFile,"[%s] %s: %s in %s:%d\\n",date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),$type,$message,$file,$line);fclose($logFile);}register_shutdown_function('fatalErrorHandler');
