The lambda keyword creates an inline function that contains a single expression. The value of this expression is what the function returns when invoked.

Consider the function:

def greeting():
    return "Hello"

which, when called as:




This can be written as a lambda function as follows:

greet_me = lambda: "Hello"

See note at the bottom of this section regarding the assignment of lambdas to variables. Generally, don’t do it.

This creates an inline function with the name greet_me that returns Hello. Note that you don’t write return when creating a function with lambda. The value after : is automatically returned.

Once assigned to a variable, it can be used just like a regular function:




lambdas can take arguments, too:

strip_and_upper_case = lambda s: s.strip().upper()

strip_and_upper_case("  Hello   ")

returns the string:


They can also take arbitrary number of arguments / keyword arguments, like normal functions.