Generator expressions are similar to list, dictionary and set comprehensions, but are enclosed with parentheses. The parentheses do not have to be present when they are used as the sole argument for a function call.

expression = (x**2 for x in range(10))

This example generates the 10 first perfect squares, including 0 (in which x = 0).

Generator functions are similar to regular functions, except that they have one or more [yield](<>) statements in their body. Such functions cannot return any values (however empty returns are allowed if you want to stop the generator early).

def function():
    for x in range(10):
        yield x**2

This generator function is equivalent to the previous generator expression, it outputs the same.

Note: all generator expressions have their own equivalent functions, but not vice versa.

A generator expression can be used without parentheses if both parentheses would be repeated otherwise:

sum(i for i in range(10) if i % 2 == 0)   #Output: 20
any(x = 0 for x in foo)                   #Output: True or False depending on foo
type(a > b for a in foo if a % 2 == 1)    #Output: <class 'generator'>

Instead of:

sum((i for i in range(10) if i % 2 == 0))
any((x = 0 for x in foo))
type((a > b for a in foo if a % 2 == 1))

But not:

fooFunction(i for i in range(10) if i % 2 == 0,foo,bar)
return x = 0 for x in foo
barFunction(baz, a > b for a in foo if a % 2 == 1)

Calling a generator function produces a generator object, which can later be iterated over. Unlike other types of iterators, generator objects may only be traversed once.

g1 = function()
print(g1)  # Out: <generator object function at 0x1012e1888>

Notice that a generator’s body is not immediately executed: when you call function() in the example above, it immediately returns a generator object, without executing even the first print statement. This allows generators to consume less memory than functions that return a list, and it allows creating generators that produce infinitely long sequences.

For this reason, generators are often used in data science, and other contexts involving large amounts of data. Another advantage is that other code can immediately use the values yielded by a generator, without waiting for the complete sequence to be produced.

However, if you need to use the values produced by a generator more than once, and if generating them costs more than storing, it may be better to store the yielded values as a list than to re-generate the sequence. See ‘Resetting a generator’ below for more details.

Typically a generator object is used in a loop, or in any function that requires an iterable:

for x in g1:
    print("Received", x)

# Output:
# Received 0
# Received 1
# Received 4
# Received 9
# Received 16
# Received 25
# Received 36
# Received 49
# Received 64
# Received 81

arr1 = list(g1)
# arr1 = [], because the loop above already consumed all the values.
g2 = function()
arr2 = list(g2)  # arr2 = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]