Just like most other C-style languages, each statement is terminated with a semicolon. Also, a closing tag is used to terminate the last line of code of the PHP block.

If the last line of PHP code ends with a semicolon, the closing tag is optional if there is no code following that final line of code. For example, we can leave out the closing tag after echo "No error"; in the following example:

<?php echo "No error"; // no closing tag is needed as long as there is no code below

However, if there is any other code following your PHP code block, the closing tag is no longer optional:

<?php echo "This will cause an error if you leave out the closing tag"; ?>

We can also leave out the semicolon of the last statement in a PHP code block if that code block has a closing tag:

<?php echo "I hope this helps! :D";
echo "No error" ?>

It is generally recommended to always use a semicolon and use a closing tag for every PHP code block except the last PHP code block, if no more code follows that PHP code block.

So, your code should basically look like this:

    echo "Here we use a semicolon!";
    echo "Here as well!";
    echo "Here as well!";
    echo "Here we use a semicolon and a closing tag because more code follows";
<p>Some HTML code goes here</p>
    echo "Here we use a semicolon!";
    echo "Here as well!";
    echo "Here as well!";
    echo "Here we use a semicolon and a closing tag because more code follows";
<p>Some HTML code goes here</p>
    echo "Here we use a semicolon!";
    echo "Here as well!";
    echo "Here as well!";
    echo "Here we use a semicolon but leave out the closing tag";