JavaScript will try to automatically convert variables to more appropriate types upon use. It’s usually advised to do conversions explicitly (see other examples), but it’s still worth knowing what conversions take place implicitly.

"1" + 5 === "15" // 5 got converted to string.
1 + "5" === "15" // 1 got converted to string.
1 - "5" === -4 // "5" got converted to a number.
alert({}) // alerts "[object Object]", {} got converted to string.
!0 === true // 0 got converted to boolean
if ("hello") {} // runs, "hello" got converted to boolean.
new Array(3) === ",,"; // Return true. The array is converted to string - Array.toString();

Some of the trickier parts:

!"0" === false // "0" got converted to true, then reversed.
!"false" === false // "false" converted to true, then reversed.