Types used in Sets and Dictionaries(key) must conform to [Hashable](<https://developer.apple.com/library/tvos/documentation/Swift/Reference/Swift_Hashable_Protocol/index.html>) protocol which inherits from [Equatable](<https://developer.apple.com/library/tvos/documentation/Swift/Reference/Swift_Equatable_Protocol/index.html>) protocol.

Custom type conforming to Hashable protocol must implement

Following example implements Hashable protocol for a custom struct:

struct Cell {
    var row: Int
    var col: Int
    init(_ row: Int, _ col: Int) {
        self.row = row
        self.col = col

extension Cell: Hashable {
    // Satisfy Hashable requirement
    var hashValue: Int {
        get {
            return row.hashValue^col.hashValue

    // Satisfy Equatable requirement
    static func ==(lhs: Cell, rhs: Cell) -> Bool {
        return lhs.col == rhs.col && lhs.row == rhs.row

// Now we can make Cell as key of dictonary
var dict = [Cell : String]()

dict[Cell(0, 0)] = "0, 0"
dict[Cell(1, 0)] = "1, 0"
dict[Cell(0, 1)] = "0, 1"

// Also we can create Set of Cells
var set = Set<Cell>()

set.insert(Cell(0, 0))
set.insert(Cell(1, 0))

Note: It is not necessary that different values in custom type have different hash values, collisions are acceptable. If hash values are equal, equality operator will be used to determine real equality.