Exception handling occurs based on an exception hierarchy, determined by the inheritance structure of the exception classes.

For example, IOError and OSError are both subclasses of EnvironmentError. Code that catches an IOError will not catch an OSError. However, code that catches an EnvironmentError will catch both IOErrors and OSErrors.

The hierarchy of built-in exceptions:

 +-- SystemExit
 +-- KeyboardInterrupt
 +-- GeneratorExit
 +-- Exception

+– StopIteration +– StandardError | +– BufferError | +– ArithmeticError | | +– FloatingPointError | | +– OverflowError | | +– ZeroDivisionError | +– AssertionError | +– AttributeError | +– EnvironmentError | | +– IOError | | +– OSError | | +– WindowsError (Windows) | | +– VMSError (VMS) | +– EOFError | +– ImportError | +– LookupError | | +– IndexError | | +– KeyError | +– MemoryError | +– NameError | | +– UnboundLocalError | +– ReferenceError | +– RuntimeError | | +– NotImplementedError | +– SyntaxError | | +– IndentationError | | +– TabError | +– SystemError | +– TypeError | +– ValueError | +– UnicodeError | +– UnicodeDecodeError | +– UnicodeEncodeError | +– UnicodeTranslateError +– Warning +– DeprecationWarning +– PendingDeprecationWarning +– RuntimeWarning +– SyntaxWarning +– UserWarning +– FutureWarning +– ImportWarning +– UnicodeWarning +– BytesWarning

 +-- SystemExit
 +-- KeyboardInterrupt
 +-- GeneratorExit
 +-- Exception

+– StopIteration +– StopAsyncIteration +– ArithmeticError | +– FloatingPointError | +– OverflowError | +– ZeroDivisionError +– AssertionError +– AttributeError +– BufferError +– EOFError +– ImportError +– LookupError | +– IndexError | +– KeyError +– MemoryError +– NameError | +– UnboundLocalError +– OSError | +– BlockingIOError | +– ChildProcessError | +– ConnectionError | | +– BrokenPipeError | | +– ConnectionAbortedError | | +– ConnectionRefusedError | | +– ConnectionResetError | +– FileExistsError | +– FileNotFoundError | +– InterruptedError | +– IsADirectoryError | +– NotADirectoryError | +– PermissionError | +– ProcessLookupError | +– TimeoutError +– ReferenceError +– RuntimeError | +– NotImplementedError | +– RecursionError +– SyntaxError | +– IndentationError | +– TabError +– SystemError +– TypeError +– ValueError | +– UnicodeError | +– UnicodeDecodeError | +– UnicodeEncodeError | +– UnicodeTranslateError +– Warning +– DeprecationWarning +– PendingDeprecationWarning +– RuntimeWarning +– SyntaxWarning +– UserWarning +– FutureWarning +– ImportWarning +– UnicodeWarning +– BytesWarning +– ResourceWarning