Ruby provides several ways to create a [String](<>) object. The most common way is using single or double quotes to create a “string literal”:

s1 = 'Hello'
s2 = "Hello"

The main difference is that double-quoted string literals are a little bit more flexible as they support interpolation and some backslash escape sequences.

There are also several other possible ways to create a string literal using arbitrary string delimiters. An arbitrary string delimiter is a % followed by a matching pair of delimiters:

%(A string)
%{A string}
%<A string>
%|A string|
%!A string!

Finally, you can use the %q and %Q sequence, that are equivalent to \\' and "”:

puts %q(A string)
# A string
puts %q(Now is #{})
# Now is #{}

puts %Q(A string)
# A string
puts %Q(Now is #{})
# Now is 2016-07-21 12:47:45 +0200

%q and %Q sequences are useful when the string contains either single quotes, double quotes, or a mix of both. In this way, you don’t need to escape the content:

%Q(<a href="/profile">User's profile<a>)

You can use several different delimiters, as long as there is a matching pair:

%q(A string)
%q{A string}
%q<A string>
%q|A string|
%q!A string!