Creating a WebM video from canvas frames and playing in canvas, or upload, or downloading.

Example capture and play canvas

name = "CanvasCapture"; // Placed into the Mux and Write Application Name fields of the WebM header
quality = 0.7; // good quality 1 Best < 0.7 ok to poor
fps = 30; // I have tried all sorts of frame rates and all seem to work
          // Do some test to workout what your machine can handle as there
          // is a lot of variation between machines.
var video = new Groover.Video(fps,quality,name)
function capture(){
    if(video.timecode < 5000){ // 5 seconds
         var videoElement = document.createElement("video");
         videoElement.src = URL.createObjectURL(video.toBlob());
         video = undefined; // DeReference as it is memory hungry.
    // first frame sets the video size
    video.addFrame(canvas); // Add current canvas frame
capture(); // start capture

Rather than put in a huge effort only to be rejected, this is a quick insert to see if acceptable. Will Give full details if accepted. Also include additional capture options for better HD capture rates (removed from this version, Can capture HD 1080 at 50fps on good machines.)

This was inspired by Wammy but is a complete rewrite with encode as you go methodology, greatly reducing the memory required during capture. Can capture more than 30 seconds better data, handling algorithms.

Note frames are encoded into webP images. Only Chrome supports webP canvas encoding. For other browsers (Firefox and Edge) you will need to use a 3rd party webP encoder such as Libwebp Javascript Encoding WebP images via Javascript is slow. (will include addition of raw webp images support if accepted).

The webM encoder inspired by Whammy: A Real Time Javascript WebM

var Groover = (function(){
    // ensure webp is supported 
    function canEncode(){
        var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
        canvas.width = 8;
        canvas.height = 8;
        return canvas.toDataURL("image/webp",0.1).indexOf("image/webp") > -1;
        return undefined;
    var webmData = null;
    var clusterTimecode = 0;
    var clusterCounter = 0;
    var CLUSTER_MAX_DURATION = 30000;
    var frameNumber = 0;
    var width;
    var height;
    var frameDelay;
    var quality;
    var name;
    const videoMimeType = "video/webm"; // the only one.
    const frameMimeType = 'image/webp'; // can be no other
    const S = String.fromCharCode;
    const dataTypes = {
        object : function(data){ return toBlob(data);},
        number : function(data){ return stream.num(data);},
        string : function(data){ return stream.str(data);},
        array  : function(data){ return data;}, 
        double2Str : function(num){
            var c = new Uint8Array((new Float64Array([num])).buffer);
            return S(c[7]) + S(c[6]) + S(c[5]) + S(c[4]) + S(c[3]) + S(c[2]) + S(c[1]) + S(c[0]);
    const stream = {
        num : function(num){ // writes int
            var parts = [];
            while(num > 0){ parts.push(num & 0xff); num = num >> 8; }
            return new Uint8Array(parts.reverse());
        str : function(str){ // writes string
            var i, len, arr;
            len = str.length;
            arr = new Uint8Array(len);
            for(i = 0; i < len; i++){arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);}
            return arr;
        compInt : function(num){ // could not find full details so bit of a guess
            if(num < 128){       // number is prefixed with a bit (1000 is on byte 0100 two, 0010 three and so on)
                num += 0x80;
                return new Uint8Array([num]);
            if(num < 0x4000){
                num += 0x4000;
                return new Uint8Array([num>>8, num])
            if(num < 0x200000){
                num += 0x200000;
                return new Uint8Array([num>>16, num>>8, num])
            if(num < 0x10000000){
                num += 0x10000000;
                return new Uint8Array([num>>24, num>>16, num>>8, num])
    const ids = { // header names and values
        videoData          : 0x1a45dfa3, 
        Version            : 0x4286,
        ReadVersion        : 0x42f7,
        MaxIDLength        : 0x42f2,
        MaxSizeLength      : 0x42f3,
        DocType            : 0x4282,
        DocTypeVersion     : 0x4287,
        DocTypeReadVersion : 0x4285,
        Segment            : 0x18538067,
        Info               : 0x1549a966,
        TimecodeScale      : 0x2ad7b1,
        MuxingApp          : 0x4d80,
        WritingApp         : 0x5741,
        Duration           : 0x4489,
        Tracks             : 0x1654ae6b,
        TrackEntry         : 0xae,
        TrackNumber        : 0xd7,
        TrackUID           : 0x63c5,
        FlagLacing         : 0x9c,
        Language           : 0x22b59c,
        CodecID            : 0x86,
        CodecName          : 0x258688,
        TrackType          : 0x83,
        Video              : 0xe0,
        PixelWidth         : 0xb0,
        PixelHeight        : 0xba,
        Cluster            : 0x1f43b675,
        Timecode           : 0xe7,
        Frame              : 0xa3,
        Keyframe           : 0x9d012a,
        FrameBlock         : 0x81,
    const keyframeD64Header = '\\x9d\\x01\\x2a'; //VP8 keyframe header 0x9d012a
    const videoDataPos = 1; // data pos of frame data header
    const defaultDelay = dataTypes.double2Str(1000/25);
    const header = [  // structure of webM header/chunks what ever they are called.
            ids.Version, 1,
            ids.ReadVersion, 1,
            ids.MaxIDLength, 4,
            ids.MaxSizeLength, 8,
            ids.DocType, 'webm',
            ids.DocTypeVersion, 2,
            ids.DocTypeReadVersion, 2
        ids.Segment, [
            ids.Info, [
                ids.TimecodeScale, 1000000,
                ids.MuxingApp, 'Groover',
                ids.WritingApp, 'Groover',
                ids.Duration, 0
                    ids.TrackNumber, 1,
                    ids.TrackUID, 1,
                    ids.FlagLacing, 0,     // always o
                    ids.Language, 'und',   // undefined I think this means
                    ids.CodecID, 'V_VP8',  // These I think must not change
                    ids.CodecName, 'VP8',  // These I think must not change
                    ids.TrackType, 1,
                    ids.Video, [
                        ids.PixelWidth, 0,
                        ids.PixelHeight, 0
    function getHeader(){
        header[3][2][3] = name;
        header[3][2][5] = name;
        header[3][2][7] =  dataTypes.double2Str(frameDelay);
        header[3][3][1][15][1] =  width;
        header[3][3][1][15][3] =  height;
        function create(dat){
            var i,kv,data;
            data = [];
            for(i = 0; i < dat.length; i += 2){
                kv = {i : dat[i]};
                if(Array.isArray(dat[i + 1])){
                    kv.d = create(dat[i + 1]);
                    kv.d = dat[i + 1];
            return data;
        return create(header);
    function addCluster(){
        webmData[videoDataPos].d.push({ i: ids.Cluster,d: [{ i: ids.Timecode, d: Math.round(clusterTimecode)}]}); // Fixed bug with Round
        clusterCounter = 0;
    function addFrame(frame){
        var VP8, kfS,riff;
        riff = getWebPChunks(atob(frame.toDataURL(frameMimeType, quality).slice(23)));
        VP8 = riff.RIFF[0].WEBP[0];
        kfS = VP8.indexOf(keyframeD64Header) + 3;
        frame = {
            width: ((VP8.charCodeAt(kfS + 1) << 8) | VP8.charCodeAt(kfS)) & 0x3FFF,
            height: ((VP8.charCodeAt(kfS + 3) << 8) | VP8.charCodeAt(kfS + 2)) & 0x3FFF,
            data: VP8,
            riff: riff
        if(clusterCounter > CLUSTER_MAX_DURATION){
            i: ids.Frame, 
            d: S(ids.FrameBlock) + S( Math.round(clusterCounter) >> 8) +  S( Math.round(clusterCounter) & 0xff) + S(128) +,
        clusterCounter += frameDelay;        
        clusterTimecode += frameDelay;
        webmData[videoDataPos].d[0].d[3].d = dataTypes.double2Str(clusterTimecode);
    function startEncoding(){
        frameNumber = clusterCounter = clusterTimecode = 0;
        webmData  = getHeader();
    function toBlob(vidData){
        var data,i,vData, len;
        vData = [];
        for(i = 0; i < vidData.length; i++){
            data = dataTypes[typeof vidData[i].d](vidData[i].d);
            len  = data.size || data.byteLength || data.length;
        return new Blob(vData, {type: videoMimeType});
    function getWebPChunks(str){
        var offset, chunks, id, len, data;
        offset = 0;
        chunks = {};
        while (offset < str.length) {
            id = str.substr(offset, 4);
            // value will have top bit on (bit 32) so not simply a bitwise operation
            // Warning little endian (Will not work on big endian systems)
            len = new Uint32Array(
                new Uint8Array([
                    str.charCodeAt(offset + 7),
                    str.charCodeAt(offset + 6),
                    str.charCodeAt(offset + 5),
                    str.charCodeAt(offset + 4)
            id = str.substr(offset, 4);
            chunks[id] = chunks[id] === undefined ? [] : chunks[id];
            if (id === 'RIFF' || id === 'LIST') {
                chunks[id].push(getWebPChunks(str.substr(offset + 8, len)));
                offset += 8 + len;
            } else if (id === 'WEBP') {
                chunks[id].push(str.substr(offset + 8));
            } else {
                chunks[id].push(str.substr(offset + 4));
        return chunks;
    function Encoder(fps, _quality = 0.8, _name = "Groover"){ 
        this.fps = fps;
        this.quality = quality = _quality;
        this.frameDelay = frameDelay = 1000 / fps;
        this.frame = 0;
        this.width = width = null;
        this.timecode = 0; = name = _name;
    Encoder.prototype = {
        addFrame : function(frame){
            if('canvas' in frame){
                frame = frame.canvas;    
            if(width === null){
                this.width = width = frame.width,
                this.height = height = frame.height
            if(width !== frame.width || height !== frame.height){
                throw RangeError("Frame size error. Frames must be the same size.");
            this.frame += 1;
            this.timecode = clusterTimecode;
        toBlob : function(){
            return toBlob(webmData);
    return {
        Video: Encoder,