|-- Config
       |-- config.json
       |-- appConfig
           |-- pets.config
           |-- payment.config
>You can go with different names as per personal choice for server or webapp depending on what makes sense for you. Make sure you dont want to make it too long or to complex as it is in the end internal project structure.
|-- server
     |-- dto
         |-- pet.js
         |-- payment.js
     |-- controller
         |-- PetsController.js
         |-- PaymentController.js
     |-- App.js
|-- webapp
    |-- public
    |-- mvc
|-- public 
    |-- build  // will contianed minified scripts(mvc)
    |-- images
        |-- mouse.jpg
        |-- cat.jpg
    |-- styles
        |-- style.css
    |-- views
        |-- petStore.html
        |-- paymentGateway.html
        |-- header.html
        |-- footer.html
    |-- index.html
|-- mvc
    |-- controllers
        |-- Dashborad.js
        |-- Help.js
        |-- Login.js
    |-- utils
    |-- index.js

So in conclusion the entire project structure will look like below.And a simple build task like gulp browserify will minify the mvc scripts and publish in public directory. We can then provide this public directory as static resource via express.use(satic(‘public’ )) api.

|-- node_modules
|-- src
    |-- server
        |-- controller
        |-- App.js   // node app
    |-- webapp
        |-- public
            |-- styles
            |-- images
            |-- index.html
        |-- mvc
            |-- controller
            |-- shell.js  // mvc shell
|-- config
|-- Readme.md
|-- .gitignore
|-- package.json